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Dr. Sujoy Rana
Assistant Professor (2018-Present)
Department of Chemistry

University of North Bengal

Professional Experience
Visiting Faculty at Georg August University Goettingen, Germany (2022-2023)

 (Host: Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann)
​Assistant Professor in Chemistry, University of North Bengal (September, 2018 - Present)
SERB-Post Doctoral Fellow, IISER Kolkata, India (2017-2018)

(Mentor: Prof. Sayam Sen Gupta)


Awards and Honors

SERB International Research Experience (SIRE) fellowship (SERB) (2022-2023)

-National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF, SERB) (2017-2018)

Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR-SRF) (2013-2016)

Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR-JRF) (2011-2013)

Educational Qualification 
Ph.D. (2016) IIT Bombay (Supervisor: Prof. Debabrata Maiti)
M.Sc (2011) IIT Kanpur (Guide: Prof. Sabyasachi Sarkar)

B.Sc (2009) Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira , Belur, Howrah

Department of Chemistry

University of North Bengal

Raja Rammohunpur, Darjeeling

West Bengal - 734013


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